Wednesday, March 08, 2006

All I'm saying is......

Today is International Women's day.

International Women's Day is the universal day that connects all womenaround the world and inspires them to achieve their full potential. IWD 2006 launches another year of working progressively for women's equality worldwide. It is an important day around the world because the collective power of women is witnessed by milions, and the brave achievements of women past, present and future are respectfully honoured. International Women's Day 2006 will be celebrated globally on Wednesday 8 March. Join the action !!The IWD global register of events is provided for all women's organisationsby Aurora with the support of HSBC the world's local bank

It is also National Stop Smoking day.

Now if only............................


Foot Eater said...

If I didn't know you better, AB, I'd suspect you were advocating that women be stubbed out.

michael the tubthumper said...

no, he is clearly demanding that cigarettes be treated as equals

fatmammycat said...

iwd? pwwwfftt, every day is woman day for me toots, international or not. And I don't smoke. Not anymore.